Sunday, October 31, 2010

Down memory lane...

Growing up on Victor Drive, Halloween was a fun time. We dressed like hobos or some other easy costume and went "trick or treating". Walking around those tree-lined blocks, we'd gather homemade popcorn balls wrapped in cellophane, hand-dipped cinnamon redhot apples or caramel apples...and lots of candy bars. We never ventured too far from home. It was safe because these were our friends and a different time and place.

As our children were growing up, we'd often get together with my husband's sister and her family for Halloween. We'd have a Mexican fiesta and then go "trick or treating". Fun memories...

Eating candy in a little house on Rhea Avenue many years ago...
I'm sure I brushed their teeth!  ;-)

I love those chubby little cheeks!

My youngest (left), age 5, and two of his cousins on Halloween in Memphis years ago...

Justin and his three cousins "trick or treating" in Memphis.

Twenty-five years ago!  My baby boy's kindergarten party at Halloween...

My first grandchild dressed in a "skunk" costume my daughter made!  The costume made the rounds through the years.

Awww, Mom!  That's enough pictures!  Let's go get some candy!

Now, baby sister was the skunk!

All these years later and my baby girl still likes dressing up for Halloween! 

I was "Grumpy" here but wasn't too keen on keeping the beard on! Check out my grandson's "peregrine falcon" costume that my daughter created (totally her creation)! My grandson was studying birds at the time and that was what he wanted!

I have several really cute photos of when my oldest two were young at Halloween but can't seem to find those right now.  I'll add them when I find them.  I'm in the midst of organizing photo albums after many years...sound familiar to anyone else out there?!


  1. Fun memories! Aren't you glad you have all these pictures?

  2. Fun pictures and wonderful memories. Thank you for your visit and comment. I love them as always. My thrift store is hit or miss but I do find nice things. thank you for becoming a follower and I will follow along with you.

  3. You have a great blog! I loved looking through all the old photos. I love to look through old family photos with my son. He loves seeing grandma and grandpa when they were his age!

  4. I do like your photos too. There is something about going back in time. I am going to read through your stories, they look wonderful.

  5. Thanks for posting! I found your site because my son wants to be a peregrine falcon for halloween too, and I was looking for costume ideas!
