Forty-six years ago we were standing there smiling...the shutter was pressed...and a moment in time was captured forever.
It seems to me I can remember that day. I'm not positively sure where the three of us (L-R: Nancee, Dianne and Kathy) were going, but I believe it was the Cotton Carnival. It would have been May or June 1962 and definitely already quite warm in Memphis.
I'm sure we took in a few exhibits, lots of rides, cotton candy, pronto pups, corn-on-the-cob, ice cream and, no doubt, checked out the cute boys. After all, we were almost 16 at the time.
We've all said it a million times...where did the years go? We grew up, got married, had children, grandchildren, joys and heartaches. Each of us had some dreams fulfilled and some disappointments. Life has a way of not waiting for us to realize it's moving on, and before you know it...forty-six years have passed!
Nancee always had the gift of music...a beautiful voice even as a teenager and that has definitely continued. She has worked in the music industry for years and has recorded several CD's. Nancee has also traveled extensively sharing her amazing story through her Whole Life Precepts. You can hear her beautiful rendition of Tennessee Waltz here.
Kathy still has that same radiant beauty she had even has a teenager and the same soft Southern voice. The minute the two of us get together, we're teenagers again and time never moved...it's like it's yesterday all over again.
Our graduating class had its 45th class reunion just a few months ago in Memphis. I wasn't able to be there, and I'm truly sorry I missed seeing faces I have not seen since graduation day in 1963! Sadly, we've lost so many during these years...I would like to have known about their lives. The funny thing is seeing photos of one another after all these years. I'm sure my classmates are wondering where the cute, skinny girl went...oh, well.